2018墾丁國家公園珊瑚礁生態保育週 學生學術論文壁報發表(徵稿)


【時間地點】107428(星期六) 9:00-16:00於墾丁國家公園遊客中心。

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人工環境中疊波蓋刺魚(Pomacanthus semicirculatus)的自然產卵和
1.      國立東華大學海洋生物研究所
2.      國立海洋生物博物館
本研究探討疊波蓋刺魚的自然產卵,並利用光學解剖和掃描式電子顯微鏡(scanning electron microscopy, SEM)描述初期形態發育,並以不同鹽度培育受精卵,期望找出最適合的孵化率和最高的活存率的鹽度,以提供人工繁養殖的重要資訊。本研究的親魚(:1:1)20132-11月間自然產卵,年產卵量為237×103粒,受精率為0%-27%,孵化率53%-88%。受精卵為球形透明之浮性卵,卵徑為0.88-0.91 mm,油球徑為0.21-0.22 mm。剛孵化之仔魚體全長1.69-1.80 mm;仔魚孵化後(days post hatching, DPH)2天開始攝食,口徑大小為191±46 μm體全長達18.30 ± 1.82時,鰭條數已達成魚定數,進入稚魚期。在SEM下觀察魚卵壁孔密度約55/100 μm2;副孔約250個;卵門孔徑約5.4 μm;於1 DPH觀察到神經丘,並隨仔魚發育而增加。鹽度實驗結果顯示,最適合的仔魚培育鹽度為33 psu



Natural spawning and early life history of the semicircle angelfish, Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier, 1831) in captivity
Pin-Han Wang1*, Ming-Yih Leu1,2, Pei-Jie Meng1,2, Cheng-Hao Tang2,3
1.      Graduate Institute of Marine Biology, National Dong Hwa University
2.      National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium, Pingtung, Taiwan
Natural spawning and early development of Pomacanthus semicirculatus were investigated and illustrated by using optical microscope, stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Natural spawning of P. semicirculatus (femalemale ratio 1:1) in captivity was observed from February 1 to November 31, 2013, and the total amounts of 237±103 eggs per female within the entire spawning period was examined. Moreover, the fertilization and hatching rates varied from 0% to 27% and 53% to 88%, respectively. The fertilized eggs were spherical, transparent and buoyant and had a diameter of 0.90±0.01mm (mean±SD). The newly hatched larvae were 1.73 ± 0.04 mm in total length (TL). The first feeding of larvae was found at two days post hatching (DPH) with 119±46 μm in gape height of mouth. Juvenile stage was completed at 18.30 ± 1.82 mm TL, all fins had the adult complement of rays and spines. Under SEM observation, the eggs were spherical and smooth. In addition, the pore density of eggs was about 55 pieces/100 μm2 and the accessory opening numbers were about 250 pieces. The size of micropyle was about 5.4 μm. At 1 DPH, only few neuromasts were observed on the lateral line and it increased parallel with the fish growth. Importantly, the effects of ambient salinities (27, 30, 33, and36 psu) on hatching and survival rates were conducted. The results indicated that the optimal salinity for larva rearing is 33 psu. This study provided the practical and useful consultation for artificial cultivation of angelfish.

Keywords Pomacanthus semicirculatus, natural spawning, early development, microstructures, salinity
